I Waikapu Ke Aloha - MP3
On Maui, May of 2017, Malamalama Maui, an ArtPlace America grant project and When We Shine Foundation helped bring public awareness to the difficult problem of 111 freshwater streams that had been diverted for commercial use for over 100 years. Our Women’s Walk for Water event was created to help the water regain it’s natural flow from mountain to sea and to help the local taro farmers. Read more about our project here.
Using Social Artistry to compound our efforts as a tool for water awareness, When We Shine Foundation helped produce music recorded by the women of Maui: ManaWahine, WAI, Prayer Songs for the Water Protectors. We wanted our voices to join those of all the women standing for clean water rights around the world.
The songs were sung in Hawaiian, Maori, Portuguese, Yoruba and English and carried with them our love for our island waters and our dedication to restoring & revitalizing the natural streams.