
Make a purchase &

Fund arts education

When We Shine Foundation has a unique funding model. We create art, sell or stream that art to fund even more art projects with our Voices of the Earth Artists!

Every purchase made goes right back into When We Shine Foundation!

Mauna Leo, (The Voices of Kahalawai) (Sing-Along) Nananana Makakiʻi, Hawaiian Happy Face Spider (Sing-Along) ʻAhinahina, Hawaiian Silversword (Sing-Along) Kāhuli, A Singing Rainbow (Sing-Along) Honu, Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle (Sing-Along)

Our Latest

Nā Leo O Ka Honua, Endangered Species

We began this project with the students and teachers of Pomaikaʻi Elementary School on Maui in the fall of 2019. The songs were recorded on March 20, 2020, the day the world shut down from Covid. Weʻve gathered up these beautiful words, melodies and voices of the students and now offer it here!

Purchase Stream
Living Hawaiian Style - MP3 Living Hawaiian Style - Sing-Along Living Hawaiian Style - Sheet Music

Living Hawaiian Style

In the spring of 2022, ʻĪao Intermediate 6th graders of team Makaliʻi participated in a Legacy project, interviewing people in our community and on ʻĪao school campus to find out what their thoughts are on why growing up on Maui and living here is so special.

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Hana Days Gone By (Aunty Puna's Song) - MP3 Hana Days Gone By (Aunty Puna's Song) - Sing-Along Hana Days Gone By (Aunty Puna's Song) - Sheet Music

Hana Days Gone By (Aunty Puna's Song)

We are so happy to announce the launch of our song, Hana Days gone By (Aunty Puna's Son), written, sung and created by the 4th and 5th grade students, our Voices of the Earth Artists, of Hana Elementary School. The song was inspired by the their beloved Kupuna, Aunty Puna, who shared with them the stories and wisdom of her life growing up in the remote area of Hana, Maui. #TiLeafSlide

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