When WE Shine - Sing Along
When We Shine was written by Melinda Caroll participants at Sangam World Center’s Arts4Change 2016 as part of a multi-media Arts and Story-Telling Festival in Pune' India. The song just keeps expanding, inviting the world to sing and shine along!
Melinda Caroll and 60 young women who hailed from 32 different countries gathered at Sangam World Center’s Arts4Change 2016, as part of a multi-media Arts and Story-Telling Festival. Along with Artists Planning Team and Girl Scout and Girl Guide participants from around the world, we partnered with community outreach organizations like Green Tara, The Muslim Girl's Orphanage and others that support empowerment of the girls and women of Pune, India. We aligned with them inviting the girls to tell their stories and to begin creating their ideal life through leader-ship skill trainings along with the arts of photography, dance, theatre, songwriting, visual arts and more. The result was inspirational and overwhelming and has grown beyond our wildest expectations! Since April of 2016, the song When We Shine that was a direct result of this gathering, has been heard round the world and translated into 8 languages so far, including Swahili, Spanish, Hindi, French, Malagasy, Taiwanese and Burmese! Check it out on YouTube and feel the glow! Everyone is invited to Shine with us!