Songs For Change Lyrics
THE SONGS written by the students and teachers of Pomaika’i Elementary School
Songs for Change
(Song Lyrics are in the order they appear on the Songs for Change Album.)
Lyrics and Melody written by Melinda Caroll and Mrs. Robinson‘s 3rd Grade Class at Pomaika’I School
1st Verse
Every Bug and Every Tree
Every Flower, Bird and Bee Everywhere you can look and see, The Earth Has Eyes
The Wind that blows, the mountains tall, The changing patterns of Spring and Fall The Land is waiting, watching us all
The Earth has Eyes
The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes
2nd Verse
Feeling pride, being strong The land is saying we belong
Watch and listen, hear her song The Earth Has Eyes
The sun is warm, the rain is cool Her gifts are free, she’s here for you The earth is kind, we should be too The Earth has Eyes…
The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes
She’s watching you and She’s watching me To do the right thing, She’ll wait and see Take care of others, the animals and trees, The bugs, the plants, the birds and the bees
3rd Verse
Enjoy the beauty of everyday
If you listen you can hear her say Please take care and be aware, The Earth has Eyes!….
The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes, Nā Maka ‘Aina, Maka ‘Aina The Earth Has Eyes
Lyrics and Melody written by Melinda Caroll and Mrs. Donelle Sakuma‘s 4th Grade Class at Pomaika’I School
Oo Oo, Oo Oo, Oo Oo, Oo Oo
1st Verse
I am a prayer and I’m grateful for freedom
I am a prayer and I’m grateful for food
I am the Earth and I’m tender and gentle
When I change my thoughts, I can change the world. Chorus
I am free from pollution, My water is clean
I grow healthy animals, And I can Breathe
I am Beautiful, I am Beautiful, I am the Living Earth, I am the Living Earth
2nd Verse
I am the soil spreading under my feet.
I am the mountain sloping down to the valley I am the tree with my roots growing deep
I am the stone where the waters flow freely
I am free from pollution. My water is clean
I grow healthy animals. And I can Breathe
I am Beautiful, I am Beautiful, I am the Living Earth, I am the Living Earth
Oo Oo, Oo Oo, Oo Oo, Oo Oo
Oo Oo, Oo Oo, Oo Oo, Oo Oo
3rd Verse
We are the eyes that watch over the land
We are the guardians of the Earth
We’ll put the blessing, back in the garden
When we change our thoughts, we can change the world….2nd Chorus
2nd Chorus
We are free from pollution Our water is clean
We grow healthy animals And we can Breathe
We are Beautiful, We are Beautiful
We are the Living Earth, We are the Living Earth
Lyrics and Melody written by Melinda Caroll and Mrs. Fanning’s 5th Grade Class at Pomaika’I School
Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Show Some Island Love today
Grow your garden in the natural way
Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love!
1st Verse
This is a song about what we do
To help the environment and animals too Aerobic Compost is what we mean,
And the Carbon Cycle with Nitorgen Compost Critters are to stay
They make new soil in remarkable ways!
That’s Fungus, Bacteria, Invertebrates
That’s Fungus, Bacteria, Invertebrates
Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Show Some Island Love today
Grow your garden in the natural way
Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love!
2nd Verse
Milipedes, cockroaches centipedes Spiders, Roly polys don’t carry disease Compost critters living there
In our aerobic compost, do you hear? Mold is a fungus, Bacteria’s small
They might be gross, but we love them all!
That’s Fungus, Bacteria, Invertebrates That’s Fungus, Bacteria, Invertebrates
Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Show Some Island Love today
Grow your garden in the natural way
Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love!
3rd Verse
Save your money
Cut down on global warming
Pump out oxygen
Take out the Co2
Flip it, stir it, roll it round
Heat it up until it turns brown
Can you hear that compost sound?
That’s Fungus, Bacteria, Invertebrates That’s Fungus, Bacteria, Invertebrates
Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Put you hands up for the F.B.I, put your hands up! Show Some Island Love today
Grow your garden in the natural way
Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love …to Last Chorus
Last Chorus and Out
Show Some Island Love today
Grow your garden in the natural way
Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, Island Love, … Put Your Hands Up (For Island Love!)
Put Your Hands Up (For Island Love!) Put Your Hands Up (For Island Love!) For Island Love!
Lyrics and Melody by Melinda Caroll and Mrs. Janice Acopan’s 2nd Grade Class, Pomaika’I School
1st Verse
Pulelehua and Lovely Lehua are friends.
They both are unique to the tropical lands of Hawai’i Beautiful with their colors, red and yellow, orange and black. They both are very gentle and kind with each other.
Pulelehua and Lovely Lehua.
They need one another, to grow and survive They ask us to protect them,
Honor and respect them.
Our special Hawaiian blossom and butterfly. La la la la……. Pulelehua
La la la la……… and lovely Lehua
2nd Verse
Pulelehua loves flying from flower to flower Sprinkling pollen, to help flower seeds grow
Lehua is a feathery blossom
Her petals wave and dance in the wind
There is a symbiotic bond that is strong! …. Chorus
Pulelehua and Lovely Lehua.
They need one another, to grow and survive They ask us to protect them,
Honor and respect them.
Our special Hawaiian blossom and butterfly. 2X
La la la la……. Pulelehua
La la la la……… and lovely Lehua
- OHANA (The Kalo Song)
Lyrics and Melody by Melinda Caroll and Mrs. Jenson’s 1st Grade Class, The Taro Patch Kids, Pomaika’I School
1st Verse
The Kalo Leaf is shaped like a Heart, ‘Ohana And from this heart our family formed, ‘Ohana
‘Ohana, ‘Ohana, ‘Ohana Our Hawaiian Family.
2nd Verse
We grow in the sunlight everyday, ‘Ohana With a little wind and a little rain, ‘Ohana Chorus
3rd Verse
Like the Kalo grows and gives us food, ‘Ohana Our family loves and cares for us too, ‘Ohana Chorus
4th Verse
The taro patch kids are helpful and kind, ‘Ohana They make sure that no one is left behind, ‘Ohana
5th Verse
Growing a strong community, ‘Ohana
Means I’ll take care of you, you take care of me, ‘Ohana Chorus 2X
End Tag:
The Kalo Leaf is shaped like a Heart.
Lyrics and Melody by Melinda Caroll and Mrs. Yagi’s Kindergarten Class, Pomaika’I School
We are the keiki, keiki ‘o ka ‘aina And we shine just like a rainbow That brightens up your day
Nā Pua ‘O Hawai’i Nei
1st Verse
Blooming petals of every color
Pink and Yellow brown and green You will see us growing everywhere
Sometimes big and sometimes small All along the garden wall
Fragrant blossoms gently fill the air.
We are the keiki, keiki ‘o ka ‘aina And we shine just like a rainbow That brightens up your day
Nā Pua ‘O Hawai’i Nei
2nd Verse
Roselani makes you happy And Naupaka makes you smile Red Hibiscus opens in the sun.
Flowers bring such joy
And they make you feel good too Just like the keiki of Pomaika’i School
Chorus 2X
We are the keiki, keiki ‘o ka ‘aina And we shine just like a rainbow That brightens up your day
Nā Pua ‘O Hawai’i Nei
END TAG – Nā Pua ‘O Hawai’i Nei
- E KU’U MALA ‘AI (My Precious Garden)
Lyrics and Melody written by Melinda Caroll and the Teachers of Pomaika’i School in honor of their 10th Anniversary)
1st Verse
Your beautiful wildness feeds my na’au Your heart and spirit makes me breathe I whisper softly to the seeds in my hand As I lay them gently to the ground
Grow, stay rooted, as you reach with humble strength Find those places deep inside
E Ku’u Mala Ai
2nd Verse
Build your foundation, nurture your dreams Take what you need until you bloom
The journey may not go as you planned Onipa’a, see it through
Grow, stay rooted, as you reach with humble strength Find those places deep inside
E Ku’u Mala Ai
Garden Chant – Ho Mai Ka Ike
Ho mai ka ‘ike ‘ike papalua e
Ho mai ka i’ini i’ini papalua e
Ho mai ka mana mana papalua e
Ho mai, Ho mai, Ho mai ka papalua e
Grow, stay rooted, as you reach with humble strength Find those places deep inside
E Ku’u Mala Ai
End Tag: E ‘Ola!!